Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My New 'do

If you cannot tell from the title, I got a haircut!

I went to the Toni and Guy Academy, a major label's hairstyling school in London to get it done. (Similar to a higher class Stewarts, for those of you from SD.) Hair cuts, particularly for women, are incredibly expensive here in London. For a simple cut, it can be around £60-£80 ($90-120.) And then you talk color! Coloring is a big thing for British women, and very few have their natural hair color. In other words, for a British woman to get her hair cut, it will be a mini fortune. Because I do not possess the means to pay a mini fortune for a haircut, I went to the school where I got one of the most intricate cuts of my life for just £5 (around $7.50.)

When we went into the academy, I gave them my appointment number and waited in line with all of the other "hair models" as we were referred to. We then were sent off in groups to different rooms, based on what we wanted done. Apparently, they didn't have enough people who wanted color so a man literally came around to each of us one by one begging us (and convincing most) to get their hair colored. Knowing full well that I would see my parents in a few days as well as the fact that hair color in Britain is not simple brown/blonde but instead wild purple/bright red, I very insistently told them that I could not get my hair colored. Thankfully, enough of the other hair models gave in so I did not need to.

The room we were in was full of 25 Spanish-speaking students (which I was excited for, I could use my Spanish!) and literally two Italian-speaking students. I happened to get one of the Italian speaking students, so I had absolutely no idea what she was saying the entire time. There were teachers walking around and constantly checking the work the students were doing. They sectioned our hair off into around 6 different parts and then individually cut each part. It took around 3 hours for the entire process to finish, but I am a happy customer!

And here are the results with before and after pictures! (I know my hair might look darker, but that is only because they cut off all of my lightened hair from this summer.)

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