Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Let's Get Crackin'

Dear Diary,

Wow, how 5th grade do I sound? Hello blog world and everybody that I have given this website to. If you don't know me, how lucky are you to stumble upon this soon-to-be masterpiece? Haha, just kidding. Actually, you are a little stalker-y. No worries, it's 2008, it's what we were born to do. Ya know, stalk. If anyone has facebook, then you really have no reason not to enjoy and even revel in a little bit of stalking now and then.

Anyways, back to me. My name is Janae and soon I will be heading off for an adventure in a different country. I absolutely love traveling and hopefully, one day, will get paid for it. (We all can dream, right?) Actually, I have been accepted to study and intern in London for a semester of my college career. (I really like how we can call something that we are paying for a 'career.') I have no idea exactly what I will be experiencing in about 2 months, but I am positive that it will be an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life. I can't wait to meet all of the people who are on my program, along with, I'm sure, some "quite brilliant" British gents.

Right now, I am just figuring out how I want to work this blog. I have decided to kind of test-run everything so I can just hop right on when I actually get to London. If you know me, well, you know that I like to be prepared and organized. With as indecisive as I am I am sure you can imagine how long it took me to actually decide that this was the blogging website I should use. Well, that's just me. From now on, though, everybody can come to this place and read my documentation of the anticipation, experiences and maturity that all come with an experience abroad. I can't wait to embark on this adventure, and I hope that the information and experiences that I share will maybe inspire you to venture off on your own, too.

Have a great day! And always remember: If you never did, you should.

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