Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tips to Waste Time, Volume 1

So I, like most people, have a few different websites that I like to frequent when online. Usually these only include MyU/gophermail, which is my e-mail (and website for classes), Facebook, and Quia (para mi tarea en espanol.) However, since I have become a 30+ hours a week working girl with not a ton of responsibility each of those hours, I have begun to love a few other websites. Here are a few guilty pleasures or sights that I like that you may enjoy, too.

First there is the blog "Stuff White People Like." This is hilarious - it pokes fun at all of the stupid things "white" people do, and really, I think we all (white or not) apply to many of them. The author just published a book, as well, which I am probably going to have to buy very soon. If you haven't checked out this, go to and look around. The writing is sarcastic and on point, and will most likely either make you laugh/say "I do that..."/or go into a little bit of denial by refusing that you do something.

In preface, this next site is not about Senator McCain, is not funded by his campaign, and is not a reference to anything political in my personal life. (I'm not going to blog about politics; I'll leave that to the big dogs who know what they are talking about.)

The next site I enjoy is the McCain Blogette. It is about Meghan McCain, Senator McCain's daughter, and her two friends who happen to be a photographer and videographer. They document the things they see, experience, and find funny in their lives and while riding along the campaign trail. They very accurately have labeled it "Musings and Pop Culture on the Political Trail." In other words, it is Sex and the City meets politics. Their photographer is amazing, and they have been to so many different states and countries that a visit to the site is worth it just to look through the photographs. An added bonus: they photograph high profile political figures' shoes. And "who doesn't want to know what kind of shoes Dr. Kissinger wears?" See the picture about halfway down on this page:

One more site is This website will not only test your word knowledge, but for each word you guess correctly (it is a synonym game), 20 grams of rice will be donated through the UN World Food Program to help end hunger. So when you have a little downtime, test your vocabulary; by doing so you will be helping people.

And, if you like art and just want to have a little fun, head on over to and make a little painting for yourself. Wave your mouse around like you just don't care, and don't forget to click to change colors.

And, p.s. Quia leads to, for all of you who are taking Spanish and need a great translation site.

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