Friday, October 31, 2008

A Little London Update

Hello! I am taking a little break in the Fall Break coverage to bring you a few things that have been happening in London this week. The work/school/fun never seems to end!

First of all, there was a SNOWFALL in London on Tuesday night! This was the first snowfall in October in London in 70 YEARS and is such a rare occurrence that usually everything is shut down during it. (The tube, schools, work, etc.) All of us Americans, however, threw on our closest, warmest clothes and went out and ran and played in the snow! We were yelling so loudly that other people in our flat complex stuck their heads out of their windows and ended up coming down and playing as well!
Here's Erica, me and Kelsey loving the snow!

Second, I went to a traditional English cream tea on Wednesday! We had the cream tea at the Regency Hotel and it was put on by CAPA. All of us either came dressed up from work or dressed up for the experience and had unlimited tea and all sorts of delicious snacks.
Andrea, me and Amy starting off with tea.My spread! Hot tea with milk (the English way), finger sandwiches, crumpets, and a little slice of delicious chocolate cake.

Third, I am officially back to IT Pro, writing and writing and writing some more. Here are links to my latest published stories:

And finally, and probably the most fun, we went to Halloween at London Bridge Experience last night (Thursday.) The London Bridge Experience is supposed to be one of London's scariest attractions, and they put on an exhibit called "Fear of the Dark" specifically for Halloween. It was definitely scary - and definitely dark. Only 10 people could go in one group, and we only had 1 light on the first person's head (Mary Kate's) to guide us to know where we were going. Here is our awesome picture from it, though:

Amy, Mary Kate, me and Andrea with all sorts of ghouls and ghosts! I have an original to bring home with me. :)
And us outside of it! Scared out of our minds and a little hoarse from screaming, I think!

More information on my break is going to be posted now until it is covered! I hope everyone is enjoying seeing pictures and everything!

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