Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Shakespeare and a surprise!

Monday night, we got tickets for A Midsummer Nights Dream at Shakespeare's Globe Theater! We were groundlings - the people who stand on the ground level throughout the entire play - and who were historically the poorer people (which actually doesn't seem so historical right now.)

I had read the play for a theater class that I took at SMSU, so I knew what was going on, but a few of my roommates had never really heard of it and were a little lost. The actual performance was amazing, though. The actors not only were dressed and acted fantastically, but they added in so much humor that I wasn't expecting. The Globe Theater was a little smaller than I thought it was going to be, but I think that may be because we all had to work/had class so we only got there about 15 minutes before the performance was going to start, so most of the people were in the theater already.

We had really great standing area on one side of the stage, so we were really close to the characters all night. What a great way to spend a night in London!

The stage!
The ceiling has all sorts of paintings and details on it.
Hello people. I don't think there could have been a bad seat in the house.My roommates and I during intermission!
This huge ball of light was in the middle. It got pretty windy near the end and it just kept flying. Thankfully, though, it didn't rain.

Here's the surprise!So, the picture is not very good, but this is the guy who plays Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies! He was in the top deck of the theater, making it hard for a good picture to be taken. For the entire first half of the play, we didn't even know he was there, but after intermission I just kept hearing people say "Malfoy!!!" so we looked around and there he was!

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