Friday, September 5, 2008

Stumbling along..

So our time in London has been short so far, yet many little things have seemed to go wrong for either me or my flat-mates.

We seem to all trade off days that bad things are happening. First, one of my flatmates' bags was lost through the airline, and we are actually still trying to get it here. Then, I got very sick yesterday (which included getting sick in the tube station in front of a ton of Londoners.) And today, two of my roommates also got sick, with one of them joining me in the "getting sick in the tube station" hall of fame. Well, we at least made an impact on the British.

All in all only one of my roommates has not had anything bad happen to her, so I hope it stays that way and everything is much smoother sailing from now on.

Tonight we have a reception dinner at a really classic London pub right by the Thames river. There are supposed to be really wonderful views of the city from this location, so we are all really excited. We also get traditional food there, which I am sure will be delicious.

Today is also the first day of traditional London weather. We went into the tube station from our school when it was hardly even starting to rain and came out at our stop to it pouring down. We are supposed to have pretty bad (rainy) weather this entire weekend.

I will post pictures of my flat soon, but for now cheers!

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