Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sunday and Monday

Sunday my roommates, a few of our friends and I split into groups to find our internship sights. It was a long day with a lot of riding on the tube, as some of our internships are 40 minutes away. It was a lot of fun seeing a few different areas of London, though. My flat-mate Veronica has her internship at an environmental company that is located about a 20 minute walk from the Tower Bridge. Heather, another flat-mate, has her internship at a school in a really cute residential area. Mine is in a much more city-focused area with cute little places to eat (ex. Squat&Gobble) and shopping near it.

This first sign was on the way to Veronica's internship site and we thought it was pretty hilarious.

Heather's work is in such a cute residential neighborhood!

I loved this red house. It was my favorite of them all!
Oh, plants. Oh, Hanna.

Then on Monday after people's first day of school or work (but not mine) we headed over to Oxford Circus to do a little shopping. This is the Marble Arch and is right outside Hyde Park.

And this is pretty Hyde Park! We had been walking ALL day, so we took a little break while we waited for a couple other people to meet up with us. You can't really see it, but the little dots/people in this picture are playing soccer! They had an audience and everything, but only one girl was playing. It was a little like "Bend It Like Beckham" if you've seen that movie.

I hope everyone is doing well!

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