Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jumpin' Jack!

Tuesday night, I went on a Jack the Ripper Walk.

A group of CAPA students met up with a tour guide in the Lower East End (Whitechapel area) of London and walked around at night with this man who was telling us about the horror and mystery that is Jack the Ripper. We stopped at the sights of the murders, or the found bodies, walked through areas in which Jack the Ripper had supposedly ran through and were told quite graphically the state the bodies were in when they were found.

For those of you who are not familiar with Jack the Ripper, he (or she, or them, no one really knows) was someone who killed five prostitutes during the autumn of 1888. The walk was really interesting, and definitely creepy as we walked around a mainly deserted area at night. I am not going to spoil the end (in case anyone reading this is planning on going to one) but it definitely shed a light on a possible governmental conspiracy.

Oddly enough (and this never happens to me), but I woke up in the middle of the night really scared! I wasn't even scared during the walk, just intrigued, but when I woke up in the middle of the night I was terrified of getting out of bed. What an interesting affect a walk could have on me.

I didn't take any pictures, because they really would have just been pictures of the ground, but I know there is another walk set up for CAPA students next week, so if you are a CAPA student reading this, I think you should go! The next scary thing on my list to do is London Dungeon, which is supposed to be quite terrifying, as well. I have no idea why we all want to go so bad, but it seems as though when we finally do stand in line for it, there will be a big group of us all waiting to be scared.

On another note, I have added a section underneath the sidebar pictures entitled "My IT Pro Stories." I will keep this area updated with any and all new stories I write that are published on the magazine's website, so keep an eye on it to stay updated! (If you can't find it, let me know and I will move it closer to the top.) Even though I usually have to do a lot of research on the things they give me to write about, it is really great that they trust me enough to let me write pieces already. I know it is going to be a huge asset when I am putting together my portfolio for other internships or jobs. So in other words, I am very excited that I am getting to write, no matter what it is for! And if you look today, you will see two new stories that were published Wednesday, September 17. The newest stories will always be at the top, as well.

And one final side story - I was writing one of the pieces that was put up on Wednesday and included the word "unfolds." Well, apparently this is not really used in British English! I got made fun of so much for using that word - my editor even went so far to say that it wasn't English and told me that I should have used reveals, etc. (All of his suggestions were synonyms for the word unfolds.) It is definitely hard to get into the habit of writing things using British English, but I am trying - anyways, moral of the story is if you are reading any of the stories and see a word that you think is misspelled or really uncommon, it may just be that it is proper British English. We can all learn together.

1 comment:

T said...

British English is SO hard to get used to... I'm definitely not looking forward to writing papers here and getting marked down for it.